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The first modern tattoos, what was it like to be tattooed in the early twentieth century?

Primeros Tatuajes

The first modern tattoos, mostly led by circus artists and sailors, they were a version that we could consider more rock than we wear today. In fact, even the inks weren’t the same!

In this article we will see some interesting facts about the first tattoos that we hope you are interested in, the reflection of a very different times.

Circus and Desmemorialized Artists

Primeros Tatuajes Barco

As we said, the first modern tattoos, that is, those of the early twentieth century, were worn mainly by artists circus and sailors. It was quite difficult to find someone with a tattoo who was considered to work on something “normal” (although normal is always subjective).

However, two curious customs were born in the twenties and thirties in North America: in the first, the habit of some people of tattooing the social security number so as not to forget about it.

Permanent Makeup

Primeros Tatuajes Clientes

And the second custom started with the first tattoos, as you can imagine by the title, are the tattoos of permanent makeup. This had an explanation. As absurd as it may seem, in those times it was more expensive to get real makeup than with a tattoo, with which many chose to get their eyebrows rough: with ink.

Few manias

Finally, another curiosities of those first decades is that, as is evident, there were not the same hygiene requirements as today. Thus, the needles were reused and it was not so uncommon to see tattoo artists smoking while tattooing a boat on a sailor’s chest.

We hope that these interesting facts of the first tattoos have fun and amazed you. Certainly, tattoos have evolved a lot, especially until today, haven’t they? Tell us, do you know any curiosity about the tattoos of that time we have forgotten? Remember that you can tell us what you want, to do this, just leave us a comment!

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